Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hunting Competitions

"In contest kills, slaughtering animals is a game. Participants try to kill the largest, smallest or most animals for cash or other prizes. Contest kills most often target prairie dogs, coyotes and pigeons, and treat these living animals as disposable game pieces." Humane Society

    In many of these contests, animals are brought to the finish line to be counted and weighed to to determine the winner. Especially with larger animals such as coyotes and wolves - the weight of the animal is a substantial part of the contest. As for pigeon shoots, the birds are released from a large box and the aim is to shoot as many as possible in an allotted time. 

     Friends of Animals is an organization that works to protect animals and protest their rights. The program has been battling animal killing contests in New York, and a recent article from February describes the protest experience from the annual "Squirrel Slam" in Holley NY. The contest was named a "fundraiser" which rewarded children and adults for killing squirrels (award depended on the amount of animals and weight and size). The biggest problem with this competition explains Friends with Animals is that children are participating. The larger the number of squirrels they kill, the more familiar they will be with killing.. and soon enough they will move on to larger animals and hunt on a regular basis. The website stated that over 2,400 squirrels were killed by the 400 participants. 

"But Friends of Animals had a message of its own, one that extends far beyond Holley. It isn’t just trying to change the minds of participants in the gruesome event or members of the Holley, N.Y. Fire Department—FoA won’t be satisfied until legislation is passed that makes all animal killing contests banned throughout New York State so that no animals have to die needlessly." Friends of Animals

The following bills are promoting the protection of wildlife and the ban of wildlife competitions:

In New York Senate Bill # 4074 
TITLE OF BILL: "An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to making contests and competitions to take wildlife unlawful" NYgov

 Assembly Bill # 03661
"Provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to organize, conduct, promote or participate in any contest or competition where the objective of such contest or competition is to take the greatest number of wildlife." NYstate

Friday, April 11, 2014

Devocalization of Animals

          The devocalization of animals has become a hot topic concerning the rights of animals. Many pet-owners and animal testing labs have animals undergo the surgery for their own benefit, but do not realize the suffering that comes along with the surgery. Each state differs with the loopoles of the law. There is a current petition to try and make the surgery illegal in New York. :

“Sometimes dogs and cats must undergo vocal cord surgery 

to treat disease, like cancer, or to correct a birth defect. 

But when performed for the sole purpose of suppressing 

the animal’s voice, it is widely considered an act of cruelty.”

            The hope in New York is to pass the law that prohibits the surgery that removes animals vocal cords, unless it is for medical reasons. The dates that concern this petition follow:
General Election - November 4, 2014
Primary Election -June 24, 2014

The information about the state laws listed below are from the Animal Law Coalition 

Massachusetts - The lone sate that keeps dogs and cats safe from devocalization, with the support of the Coalition to Protect and Rescue Pets.

California and Rhode Island - Both states have the “Landlord Law” which prevents landlords from forcing tenants to remove animals vocal cords - but that is where the law stops. There is no protection against the surgery for any other reason, and many pet owners and animal testing labs still endorse the practice.

Pennsylvania - Legal as long as the practice is performed by a vet. But that does not apply for cats, apparently underground devocalization is legal for felines.

Ohio - The only dogs that are protected from the devocalization law are ones that are proved to be aggressive.. That way people can hear the dog before it attacks. Other than that, the rest of the dogs and cats are fair game for the surgery.

New Jersey - The surgery is for vets to perform only and must believe there is a realistic reason for the surgery to be done.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Beverley Animal Shelter Film Plan

          While I began filming at the Beverley Animal Shelter I was overwhelmed by the passion of the employees and volunteers there. I have slowly begun interviewing them and my favorite quote so far was said by a woman, Dorris... “Our adoption rates are at about 70% to 80% for dogs and cats, but in addition to trying to find homes for these animals, we try to create a home for them here”. There is an enormous amount of love at this shelter, and it is wonderful to see a group of people care for animals in such a big way. As the interviews went on things like “I even come on my days off just to make sure the cats get their medicine at the right time”... And “The best part of my day is playing with the animals, it gives me just as much joy as it gives them”.

           The process of doing this blog has given be a lot of anxiety about how humans treat animals.. And for a while it made me question if the human race had lost all compassion. But spending time at the Beverley Animal Shelter has reassured me that people still do have a heart when it comes to animals. Even though being at a shelter is never easy for an animal, Beverley makes every effort to make it a home rather than a waiting room.

          The reason I am making a short film about Beverley Animal shelter is to highlight the good they are doing for homeless animals, and how we can help. During the interviews I will ask the employees and volunteers “If you had a genie that could grant you one wish, what would you change or improve about the shelter?” In addition to donating food, blankets and toys... I wonder if there is something bigger that the employees dream of for Beverley. A new building, walking paths or improved enclosures... Whatever it may be I want to make this film to illustrate their dream and why they deserve to have it come true.

The interview questions I plan to ask the employees of Beverley Animal Shelter:

What is the best thing about working at Beverley?

What is the hardest thing about working at Beverley?

Do you have any stories that are stuck in your mind from your experience working there?

If a genie could grant you one wish and you could improve or change one thing about Beverley what would it be?

A message to your volunteers, where do you need the most help?

           In addition to everything they are doing, Beverley Animal Shelter has a wonderful Facebook in which they post photos and stories of the animals they have up for adoption. This is a great way to advertise these critters that need a new home, outside of Waterloo (where the shelter is located). In addition, when a new animal is found they are able to post a picture and where the animal was when it was picked up.. in case the owner is trying to find it! (which happens many times). When I was at the shelter on monday afternoon there was a woman in tears expressing her gratitude for the shelter for finding her missing cat. 

The link to their Facebook page is:

          Lastly, for my film I would like to include my new passion of advocating adoption for senior dogs/cats by telling the stories of a couple at Beverley. As I said earlier there are animals that spend their entire lives at Beverley, and while they provide love and care for them at the shelter... every animal deserves a home and a chance to sneak on the couch while dads at work. Every animal has a story.. and through my film I want to illustrate the struggles they have overcome and their desperate need for a comfy warm bed and a carpet to pee on. My own dog is getting older, she is about eleven now, and every time I look at her I am thankful my family could provide a supporting and loving home for her to grow old in (just like every animal and human deserves). In addition to advocating the needs of the shelter, I want to advocate the needs of the senior animals. The puppies and kittens rarely have trouble finding homes... it is the older animals that are in desperate need. 

For example - here is Oreo: a 10 year old Australian Shepard Mix (my new dog crush). She's friendly with both dogs and cats, protective and.......looks like a cookie. What else could you need?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Running with the Bulls

         PETA and the Animal Legal Defense Fund have filed a law suit against "Great Bull Run"- In other words, the famous Running of the Bulls. The run forces 1,500 bulls to run a quarter-mile while people dangerously run along with them. Even though to event representatives claim that they will assure the safety of the bulls, animal rights activists claim:

"it causes unnecessary stress and suffering to the animals" banning-beaumont.patch

The tradition of Running With the Bulls began in Pamplona Spain. The event started because it was an efficient way to move the bulls, but unfortunately it was followed by a bullfighting event. This run has received much attention in the United States and will occur in Telecula, California. PETA has claimed that this event is animal cruelty and does not abide by the current animal cruelty laws in California. 

"As a bovine veterinarian, I can confirm that this event is extremely stressful for the bulls and presents substantial risk of injury to them, as well as an enormous public safety risk to the humans participating,” States Dr. Holly Cheever - Veterinarian and VP of the New York Humane Association. banning-beaumont.patch
       Because of the lawsuit the event will have to obtain permits for the occasion. Unfortunately, 
representatives of the event state that if they cannot obtain the permits in time, they will simply move the event to LA, California. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Facebook for Senior Dogs

      Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary is a heart warming program that provides senior dogs with a loving home that otherwise would be in shelters or put down. Many senior dogs are sadly given up by owners, and have trouble finding new homes because of their age. Unfortunately, many people are not interested in adopting senior dogs because of attachment issues, health issues and time limits. Old Friends is one of the many programs that advocate for senior dogs and highlight the incredible benefits to adopting one. The facbeook page uploads stories and pictures of their dogs and each time get over 1,000 likes. Because of these Facebook groups, the support for senior dogs has spread.

       Old Friends is run by volunteers based in Mt. Juliet Tennesse. The sanctuary explains on their Facebook that they are currently housing and caring for thirty dogs, and have placed thirty three more dogs in forever foster homes.

Posted on their facebook page, Old Friends states their mission:

"Our mission is:
To provide a loving home, good food, high quality vet care, compassion and comfort to senior dogs for the remainder of their lives. 
To build a ForeverFoster Home network to enable us to place more senior dogs in loving, home settings for the duration of their lives.
To provide education on the joys and challenges of caring for aging dogs.
To work with other dog rescue groups to promote the adoption of senior dogs."

Their website contains an updated chart on the progress of their dogs and what the sanctuary is doing to care for them. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Copenhagen Zoo leaves public asking questions

        The Copenhagen Zoo has caused an uproar with recent slaughterings of their animals. In addition to the Giraffe that was killed, the Zoo has now killed two adult lions and two cubs. When the Giraffe was slaughtered, the inhumane act occurred in front of young children, in order to "educate" them about population control and was followed with a public dissection of the body for educational purposes. Sadly afterwards Giraffe was fed to the lions. BBC

"It's a necessary part of keeping a healthy population," he shrugs. "Because we don't bring in animals from the wild any more, we need to do this." The Guardian

            The Zoo's explanation for the slaughter of four lions was centered around "saving the strong pride" that was currently at the Zoo. Martin, zookeeper at Copenhagen explained that the male lion would have killed the two cubs and the immature males in order to prove his power over the pride.

"This may, of course, seem harsh, but in nature it is necessary to ensure a strong pride of lions with the greatest chance of survival," Martin explained 

In the interview with employees at the Copenhagen Zoo conducted by The Guardian, they attempt to defend their actions. They claim that they "tried" to find a place for the lions to go, but in the end they never found one... which is baffling. Towards the end of the interview the employees become extremely accusatory to the public that is upset with the slaughters stating that "the meet you buy in the supermarket used to be a living animal"...and that the public has "disney-fied the animal world and that these animals have a life expectancy"... but what I can't wrap my head around is, did the baby lion cubs reach their life expectancy just as babies? Was there really no place for those babies to go? From the interview, the employees and obviously in a panic, coming up with many excuses for what they did, and limited reasoning for not being able to relocate them rather than kill them. 

       It is heartbreaking to research all of the global efforts and improvement to stop the poaching of wild animals - then to read about the slaughter of these same animals where they are supposed to be safe. In argument with the employees claiming the public does not have the education to understand why they had to kill these animals - that is not the publics argument. The public is left questioning, why could we not find another home for these animals? It is hard to believe there was truly no where for them to go. Countless Zoo's and sanctuaries around the world could have been contacted.