Monday, February 24, 2014

Bear Bile

         Across South East Asia bears are being confined in order for scientists to draw out their bile for asian medicine. The conditions the bears endure is cruel. Bear farmers claim that keeping the bears in confinement will improve their population numbers. Although, many of the bears in bear farms are sold illegally by poachers. The donation of gall bladders and bile is painful, and at what cost are we willing to "save" the population?

There are countless petitions and facebook groups supporting the protest against inhumane treatment of bears for bile. 

       The World Society of Protection of Animals has been working to stop bear farming for bile by working with Asian government officials, stop the illegal trade and poaching of bears, and help Asian scientists find other alternatives for medicine. WSPA

"More than 10,000 bears – mainly moon bears, but also sun bears and brown bears – are kept on bile farms in China, and around 2,400 in Vietnam. The bears are milked regularly for their bile, which is used in traditional medicine." AnimalsAsia

        More importantly, the foundation called Animals Asia has been working to stop the cruelty from the country in which is resides. They describe how the operations are extremely invasive, and many bears are kept for over thirty years in small cages. Bear sanctuaries have been created to help the bears recover from their time in the farms and to study the procedures that they had to endure. The sanctuaries have helped raise awareness to the public and the scientific community. In sanctuaries are centered in Chengdu, China and Tam Dao, Vietnam. The organizations provide the bears with a pleasant and spacious dens, with enclosures that illustrate the feeling of being in the wild. In these centers, the bears are able to recover. According to the Animals Asia website, there have been four hundred bears saved through these sanctuaries.

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